Sunday, September 19, 2010

Natalie & Joe's Engagement

Natalie & Joe are the quintessential dram couple for a zealous photographer like myself. Both ridiculously good looking, crazy in love and eager and willing to have fun in their photos.

With all the time I spent with Dave in the hospital I had been researching some fresh new ideas to spice up my photos and had been playing with the idea of using props in my images. Apparently, there's a whole industry dedicated to cutesty props on etsy just for this sort of thing.

So balloons, frame, parasol and bubbles in tow, Natalie, Joe and I spent just about an hour playing at Historical Heritage Square and the results were nothing short of my best engagement session EVER!

Thank you Natalie and Joe, I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about your December wedding and all the fun ideas I'm putting together for you wedding photos.


  1. Joe and I are so pleased with our engagement pictures! We have had so much fun bragging to our friends about you! They have all been dying to know who our fabulous photographer is! Thank you so much for planning and executing such a fabulous shoot! You made Joe and I feel so comfortable in front of the camera! We cannot wait for our wedding this December! It is so great to know we do not have to worry about our pictures, since they are in such capable hands! Thanks again!

  2. I love it! The pictures are so cute. You have outdone yourself, again!

  3. Very cute Jacquelyn! I love the yellow background, is that at Heritage Square too? So cool!

  4. @Jen~the whole thing was at heritage square- the yellow is where the carriage house is, where you pay admission for the Rosson House tour
