So here's the million dollar question: how do you maintain autonomy for the job you've been hired to do, allow guests to get their photo fix at a wedding and not lose sanity in between?
I'm really struggling with this; the last two seasons one of three things happened, someone got angry because I was directing and not allowing for guests to get the photos they wanted, I had no control over the situation and was pushed around or the worst, a few couples lost the opportunity for those fabulous sunset images every Arizona couple wants because I tried to be overly kind to guest photo requests.
What is the line between being too accommodating and not caring at all for the camera phone?
I ask because my fall season is approaching and no matter how many weddings I do I have yet to find that zen spot where everyone walks away happy- which as a people pleaser, is always my ultimate goal.
Some pros have told me to not be worried about guests, you were hired to do a job. One of my closest business associates told me at his kids football practice parents get 3 minutes for photos and then the rest is left to the hired photographer.
How do you make it work, who needs to be involved, will it always be a case by case scenario?
I genuinely want feedback- of all the things we do over the course of a wedding, this is our hang up. I will be the first to admit this is our Achilles heel.